Friday, August 27, 2010

The Downside

Things got back on track after Sunday's detour.  Bubba had a little tantrum on Monday morning, but by that afternoon he was back in the game.  We have had a very busy week, and I think the kids have watched no more than 30 minutes of TV a day, and there has been limited time for video and computer games.  That is a big accomplishment!  But, there is a downside to our low-TV lifestyle...MY HOUSE IS A MESS!

The Hub and I can't keep anything clean around here.  A bomb goes off every hour in one room or the other.  Sending the children outside to play is not always an option because of the weather and the gigantic mosquitoes that have decided our backyard is their all you can eat buffet.  A mosquito actually bit me on the tip of my finger!  How is that even possible?  But it hurts like a "mutha."  Anyway, the kids are playing a lot in the house, and their play usually involves everything from their rooms coming into either the dining area or the living room area.  They don't really want to play in their playroom because the sight of the dark TV makes them sad. 

I can't keep up with it.  For example, I was desperately trying to sweep up the dining and kitchen floors the other day.  There was dirt, grass, food, scraps of paper, etc all over.  I was concentrating on the floor and not Sassy (big mistake!), and while I was finishing up the floor, I turned around just in time to see her pouring all the salt from the salt shaker on the dining table and floor!  "NOOOOOOO!"  I yelled, but it was a waste of breath.  Do you know how hard it is to sweep and vacuum up salt?  We were walking around on gritty floors for days!  It gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it. 

I think my children purposely follow us around and as soon as we straighten something up, they dump it back out on the floor.  It's their fun way of driving us insane.  "See what you get for taking away our TV?  You are gonna suffer now!"

1 comment:

  1. I can honestly say that the mess probably doesn't come from TV deprivation. My kids do the same thing while the TV is still on. :)
