Thursday, August 19, 2010

You Owe Me, Nickelodeon

I have a bone to pick with you Nickelodeon! You who have peddled so many absurdly colored, obnoxiously loud, and ridiculously unidentifiable human/animal chimeras (look it up) that my house is filled with your never ending supply of crap…I want to have a word with you.

Why would you have a one hour super special TV special that is for little kids programmed at 8:00 PM on a school night? Really? 8:00 PM eastern time? Who’s brilliant idea was that? Give me the number because I want to tell them they are a dumb ass.

Even with our new low-TV lifestyle, we have not been able to avoid all TV advertising, ESPECIALLY on Nick. Probably because they push their annoying shows at every break at least five times. The latest super special, cannot miss it or you will die an unhappy and unloved child was Dora’s Big Birthday Celebration! How old is Dora now anyway? I don’t know and I don’t care, but Bubba does. He still likes the old "blankety-blank", and besides she taught him Spanish. He is practically bi-lingual. He saw the ad for her new one hour special, and begged to watch it. I explained to him that it would cost him two TV dollars, so he would have to save up. He really wanted to watch the show, and he saved up the dollars. I was proud of him. We made a big deal of checking the Nickelodeon web site for the TV schedule to see when the show was on. Wouldn’t you know it? 8:00 pm. This is when Bubba is supposed to be in bed asleep or almost asleep.

Now, Hubby and I have not done many things correctly as parents, but the one thing that we have done well is an early, consistent bed time routine. We would have gone absolutely coo-coo for Coco Puffs long ago if we did not have those precious couple of hours of peace and quiet at night. We cherish it. Our goal every night is to have both kids in bed snoozing away at 8:00 pm. And it is even easier now that TV is under control.

But, I had promised Bubba that he could watch Dora’s Birthday before I knew what time it would be on. I never dreamed that a TV special for really young children would be on at 8:00 pm on a school night. I couldn’t go back on my word. He had saved up the TV dollars, and he was excited. So, there we were, past bedtime, watching TV on a school night. I feel dirty even writing about it. After it was over, he was tired and whiny. He was getting to that crazy wired phase, when the kid is so exhausted that they can’t fall asleep and they just get more and more hyped up. It was probably 10:00 pm before he fell asleep.

Yes, I have learned my lesson. Check your local times and listings before saying yes. But, come on! Someone at Nickelodeon needs to be seriously kicked in the “you know what” for that decision. And, he or she should have to come to my house and put my punchy 5 year old to bed.

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