Sunday, August 15, 2010


It is the weekend.  The first weekend without TV on all the time.  It has not been easy. 

Luckily, we had several places to go on Saturday that got us out of the house several times and away from temptation.  But, this morning (Sunday) was rough.  It was my turn to sleep in and my husband's turn to get up with the kids.  Mornings are tough for the hubby.  He prefers to sit comatose in front of the TV, computer, or Ipod.  The less interaction the better.  So, our old way of doing mornings suited him just fine.  TV entertained, no zombified the kids, and we all could veg.  Actually, it suited me fine, too, because I could plop the two year old in front of the TV, give her some cheerios and raisins, and fall back asleep on the couch!

But now we are in a new era.  The no TV without a TV dollar era.  So, this morning the kids wake up bright and early around 6:30 am, I punch the husband to get him out of bed, and the fun begins.  My son did not have any TV dollars saved up.  He happily spent them the day before to watch a few Saturday morning cartoons before we left for our errands.  I warned him that he might regret using all of them, but it was his decision.  Well, hubby did not know that our son had no TV cash this morning, and he assumes that our boy has a TV dollar to spend.  So, daddy suggests to sonny that he trot downstairs and watch a cartoon.  Of course, my son would go for this idea!  Our two year old wakes me up because she needs Mommy snuggles, and my husband follows her back to the bedroom.  I ask him what is our son doing?  "He's watching TV" is the reply.  I calmly state that he doesn't have any TV dollars to watch TV.  "EXPLETIVE" shouts the husband, and he stomps off screaming, "Mommy says you don't have any TV dollars, and you have to turn the TV off now!"  "Sigh." says Mommy.  "BUT YOU SAID I COULD WATCH IT" wails our son.  Much screaming ensues.  My son is up the stairs bellering about how Daddy said he could watch it etc, etc.  My husband snarls, "You created this system, now help me implement it!" He stomps off.  Now I need Mommy snuggles! 

This will get easier.  This will get better.  I keep telling myself that.  I am seeing benefits.  First, I am watching a lot less TV.  I didn't watch anything until last night after the kids were in bed.  Usually, I mindlessly click through the channels for a couple of hours or watch one of my favorite reality competition shows like Top Chef.  Last night, there wasn't really anything on that I really wanted to watch.  I asked myself if I had to spend a TV dollar on this would it be worth it?  Nope.  So, I read a book and fell asleep a lot earlier than usual.  My son is having to weigh the pros and cons of spending his TV dollars.  Tonight he really wants to watch a Dora special.  It costs 2 TV dollars.  He has really been tempted to waste his dollars today, but then he wouldn't be able to watch the special.  Also, I think he actually likes having more rules.  Maybe I'm fooling myself. 

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